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Name Type Description
Ajax Tools Plugin This provides simple AJAX functionality without the need of any framework. It comes with an own simple javascript function to process your requests. The response can be plain text/html or text/xml. The response will be passed to a given userdefined callback function. The callback function needs to be created by the user and be passed to the AJAX function. In brief: This plugin just sets up the AJAX request. What you do with the response is up to you. Exception is the "lazy load" function of the plugin that will perform a predefined callBack function (wich means it will display the result at this place where you placed the plugin in your content/template). You can process any module action, plugin, udt or even trigger events using AJAX requests. See it in action:
Autometa Plugin Creates meta tags "keywords" and "description" on-the-fly if these tags are not found in the page metadata field. Keywords are taken from Search module. Description includes first characters of the page content.
Bird Feed Plugin This plugin retrieves tweets from a twitter account and displays them on your page. The feed is assigned to a smarty variable called {$tweets} which can then be displayed within any template using a {foreach from=$tweets item=item} loop. The status text is parsed so that all the hash tags, links and user names are automatically converted to working links. Dates are outputted as a unix timestamp which can easily be converted into several formats using the “date_format” string modifier. Optionally dates can also be displayed as “friendly” i.e. one hour ago, two minutes ago, yesterday, etc, etc.
blockquote Plugin Smarty block level tag that correctly formats blockquote and includes cite tag.
Browser Update Plugin Many internet users are still using very old, out-dated browsers – most of them for no actual reason. Switching to an newer browser is better for them and for you as a webdesigner. This plug-in tests the browser version of the end-user. If that browser is outdated, a simple update message is shown. This plug-in uses code from: ; a web designers initiative which supports multiple languages.
BrowserTools Plugin to quickly hand users on a browser case. Ex: output for an iphone user agent would be "iphone" so you could have a body with the class "iphone" etc...
Cache Anything Plugin Makes it possible to cache almost anything in your template manually. Use wisely!
Cache remote file Plugin This plugin is an extended - bug more reliable - version of the PHP file_get_contents function. Change the content at one site and the other(s) will follow when the buffer time has elapsed. Because the tag caches the content for one hour (adjustable), it won't waste any bandwidth. The tag has several reliability checks, so even when the source website is offline for a long period the content remains available at the website. CMSMS 1.12.1 and 2.x compatible.
calshow Plugin Extracts a booking list, such as for a holiday letting property, from a list stored in either a page or a global block. Each entry has four, pipe-separated fields, arrival-date|departure-date|name|type. The tag for inserting the calendar optionally can specify the number of months to display, and the number to skip forward or backward when using the "next" and "previous" links. Arrival and departure dates can be clearly identified using pure css.
Camms Plugin This plugin gives you the possibility to add a self-refreshing webcam to your site. The plugin can be customized through different params. cmsms1.10+ compatible NOTE: up till now this function only works on live sites, not on local sites.
Chirps Plugin Prints tweets from a specified Twitter account in their simplest form. Upload the file to your plugins folder, then view details in Admin > Extensions > Tags
coalesce Plugin Returns the left-most parameter (excluding "assign") value that is not empty.
Combi Stylesheet Plugin Make your pages load faster by combining, compressing (gzip) and cacheing stylesheet and javascript files on the fly. This is a CMSmadesimple implementation of Niels Leenheer's combine.php script [] with some advancements. Not only increasing speed, but also substitutes the {static_stylesheet} tag I've used since I work with CMSms. (PlugIn is PHP4 compatible)
Contains Modifier Plugin A Smarty modifier to find a string inside of a string easily. Originally posted at the Smarty Forum by user JasonDS. See, Upload into your /plugins/ directory. Notes: Not Tested in CMS Made Simple 2.0 Also, it is better to use PHP inside of a User Defined Tag or preg_match directly in your template. For example, {if preg_match('/(StringA|StringB|"And String C")/i', $VariableToSearch)} //assign a var or do something here {/if}
Content Dump Plug-in Plugin The tag aims at providing flexibility to smaller & medium sites and their developers by providing selectable content with enriched meta-data via smarty. Use the data to build automatic teasers, blogs, feeds or anything else just with content pages. The recently added support for a prefix-handling, searching and hierarchy-selection provides an extra portion of flexibility. /// Make sure to read the wiki-page at Plug-in working with 1.9.x
Content Toggle (expand/collapse) Plugin Enables content to be expandable and collapsable, It creates a div ("block") witch can collapse and expand by pressing the bar, it uses JQuery. The toggle bar can be adjusting using CSS. Demo can be find here :
Css compressor (touchfastcss) Plugin Css compressor (touchfastcss) by touchdesign with Css cache, merge stylesheets, mobile check, remove whitespaces and newlines, remove comments, inline styles...
css_960_grid Plugin Generate complete 960 Grid system code css. Including "text", " reset" css. Including "hack(ie)", "mobile" and "print" part css and can be use alone for specific stylesheet.
DEPRECATED Cookie Consent Plugin USE NOW: !! - THIS TAG IS DEPRECATED - This tag adds a cookie consent bar to your website. A visitor can accept or decline cookies. Depending on the visitors choice the - in example - analytics code can be added to the site or not... Included languages: English, German, French, Portoguese and Dutch. Other languages can be added yourself. Can be used in multi-lingual websites. You can use the default stylesheet or use your own to style the output of the tag. The tag is easy to use. CMSMS 1.11+ compatible
DEPRECATED Last Guestbook Entry Plugin This tag is DEPRECATED and isnt maintained anymore as GBooks module provides the same functionality by default - - - - This plugin can be used to retrieve data from the last (and approved) entry in the guestbook module. You can use it for example on your homepage, to get attention for your guestbook. CMSMS 1.11+ compatible
display phpinfo Plugin Plugin for display phpinfo() inside a page.
Download History Plugin This plugin collects historical download data for the nominated file from the Uploads module.
Dropcaps Plugin {$string|dropcaps} or {$string|dropcaps:"dropclass"} where "dropclass" is any class name you want for the dropcap class. Produces code like this: <code> <p><span class="firstLetter"><span>T</span></span><span>his is a full paragraph.</span></p> </code>
expandCollapseAll Plugin This plugin is complementary to startExpandCollapse and stopExpandCollapse plugin, and can be used to expand/collapse the content of all elements present in the page with a single click
Facebook Like Button Plugin The Like button lets a user share your content with friends on Facebook. When the user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the user's friends' News Feed with a link back to your website. To install, simply add the file to your Plugins folder. After installed go to Extensions > Tags and look for {FacebookLikeButton} if you need further instructions.
Facebook Share Dialog Plugin Facebook offers an easy-to-use Share dialog that you can include on your web page or in your mobile web app so people can share links on their timeline, in groups, or to their friends via a Facebook Message. To install, simply add the file to your Plugins folder. After installed go to Extensions > Tags and look for {FacebookShareDialog} if you need further instructions.
Favicon Plugin The Favicon-tag generates several <link>-tags to include shortcut icons ("favicons") in your page. From a given image file it generates on-the-fly an .ico-file and several png-versions in different sizes. The plugin returns the necessary link tags to include these images with their distinctive sizes as icons or apple touch icons.
FBComments Plugin Add Facebook comments box to your CMSMS site. The Comments box lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook profile and shows this activity to their friends in news feed. It also contains built-in moderation tools and special social relevance ranking.
FBFacepile Plugin Add Facebook facepile to your CMSMS site. The Facepile plugin displays the Facebook profile photos of people who have connected with your Facebook page or app.
FBFeed Plugin Add a Facebook Feed to your CMSMS site. The Activity feed displays the most interesting, recent activity taking place on your site, using actions (such as likes) by your friends and other people.